Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cologne 99ers waive Bundesliga start right

Cologne - Cologne shocked the basketball: The 99ers retire after the Insolvenzantragaus the National Basketball League!
The Board dispensed with the consent desvorläufigen insolvency on the right to participate kommendenSpielzeit.
"For reasons of fairness anderenVereinen against the league and it is better not stumble into a new season," Anton Bausinger sagte99ers shareholders.
 For the people of Cologne will participate in the upcoming season of rice flophouse bear Bremerhaven with a wildcard in the Bundesliga.
   Since the 99ers after a decision by the Association of the league 2.Basketball not at the 2nd and 3 May participate League, is the basketball in Cologne before plunging into dieBedeutungslosigkeit.
"For the sports city of Cologne is a herberSchlag" said Bausinger. The economic conditions did not let the 99ers from the targeted sports Konzeptumzusetzen, said in a statement.
The search for weiterenSponsoren not bring the desired result. "In konkretenGesprächen we did not get the desired answers. It gabkeine secure commitments," said Bausinger.
   In the coming season Cologne had a "Team Canada", by eight German professionals should be under contract to the Startgehen.
However, the realized budget of 1.2 million euros lagdeutlich below the target amount for this project. Have "It istgut that we are now assured of the field of competitors damitPlanungssicherheit for everybody involved," said Jan Pommer, CEO of the National Basketball League.
"Regrettably hatdas concept of" Team Canada "does not sufficiently been appreciated."
   After going from the 99ers for the second time for the professional basketball in Cologne from the lights. After the successful era desBSC Saturn Cologne with four championship titles in the '80s hatteGalatasaray Cologne 1990 declared bankruptcy.
 Ten years ago, the Bundesliga dannRheinEnergy Cologne entered stage. The club turned to demTitel from 2006 but already the erstenInsolvenzantrag half years ago, when Herbert was able to meet patron's room Verpflichtungennicht.
In April 2009 first 600 000 were missing in order to play the season to end. Then still managed to rescue inletzter minute.