Friday, March 12, 2010

Scintillating tosses in Frankfurt

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Frankfurt - Eintracht on the way back to ancient times, Chaos!
Wednesday was leaked through leaks in the Supervisory Board of the impending separation Friedhelm Funkel, on Thursday, the bosses were forced to act.
The coach publicly announced his resignation: "I spoke on Monday with Samuel Hui and asked him, my contract at 30 To end of June. "
Rumms - and two days before the meaningless last game of the season against Hamburg. Then Funkel, who had his contract extended until February 2010, the 170th the last time and sit on the concord bank.
The 55-year-old had communicated his decision to CEO Bruchhagen weeks ago: "He had asked me to keep the conversation in private, so that we create in the class remain calm." Now, even a possible fracture Hagen's departure was discussed, as a confidant and Friend is scintillating - but wants to stay: "I am pleased with the harmony and concord in a long time."
As a top favorite for the succession scintillating Michael Skibbe was fired in February at Galatasaray. Alternatively, Mirko Slomka and Thomas von Heesen be given good cards. Sparkle even traveled to Cologne on Thursday night to turn off at the premiere of Hoehner Rockin 'Roncalli Show Salto Global.