Thursday, April 29, 2010

UN peacekeepers are said to have abused children

Nairobi - The heaviest accusations! Members of UN peacekeeping forces and aid agencies have Mitgliedervon sexually abused by a report of britischenKinderschutzorganisation "Save the children" in the Congo, Ivory Coast and other states children.
Einigeder victims were only six years old, "said Kerr Hearth, Country Director of the organization in Ivory Coast on Tuesday dembritischen BBC radio. The charity had asked mehrerehundert children in Haiti, Ivory Coast and the Congo, countries where similar incidents had already been in the Vergangenheitaufgedeckt.
   "It is not just Lebensmittelgehandelt against sex with minors, there are rape and child pornography mitKindern which are classified as refugees, orphans or street children bereitsbesonders defenseless," said Kerr.
The report had been clumsily those who want to investigate the allegations, it said. Eshandele undHelfern Although only a minority of peacekeepers. "But they are abusing their power to exploit children, who can tell anyone about it."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wülfrath: A town in shock

Wülfrath --
Filiz E. (33) wanted to save her marriage. But in the end she lost her life.
Ersan (8), Erhan (11) and Erkan (14) are now orphans, because their father had killed her mother and herself.
The bloody drama in front of the nursery: Wülfrath a state of shock!
Two shots ripped on Friday evening, the silence from the "Ellenbeek. When rescue workers arrived from the nearby fire station, wincing a savior: "That's our cleaning lady!"
Her husband Sedat (42), who worked at "tedrive" as a mechanic, had been lying to her when she came straight from the cleaning and left the nursery. Previously, he was let out in a tire of her blue Fiat Punto, the air so that she could not before fleeing.
There were no words, but only two shots. Filiz E., who had separated from her husband slumped together dead, Sedat E. aimed his weapon against himself, he often had threatened: "If you do not come back, there is a bloodbath." Filiz E. to a friend "I love him, but it must be reasonable. Only then will I return to him. "A work colleague of Sedat," yesterday I talked to him yet. There was no indication of the terrible deed. "
Sunday, many candles were burning in front of the kindergarten and dead lights. Residents and relatives were conceived, the dead, lamented the fate of children who are placed with relatives. Before the dwelling of the father of Sedat E., 200 meters away from the crime scene, there were many relatives and wept ...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The World Heritage Site is Construction Site

Brühl - No, pretty authentic, and above all see it now really is not enough: The impressive terrace in front of Augustusburg Castle.
Beams and struts disfigure the sunrises World Heritage Site. The view from the garden around the lake levels of the castle is clearly disturbed. And that will stay a few more years.
"Not earlier than 2010," White Castle CEO Uwe Skibbe, "we will be able to start construction work." And hinziehen.Hintergrund will have at least one years: Not only the railing and stairs are ailing, but the terrace itself
 By 2009, the evaluators will find the exact damage and thereafter can only be started with the complete restoration. "A few million is going to cost now," said Skibbe.
The money comes from the Land, for the land, the owner, strictly speaking, is a successor of Prime Minister Juergen Ruettgers Elector Clemens August as the castle.
All the same, several times a year the government invited to receptions and cultural events in the jewel in the heart of the castle town.
Faster than the terrace, it will be preceded with the rehabilitation of wells and gardens.
Skibbe: "The smaller wells are completed, the main fountain at the Mirror Pond should be Santer until the spring." Then the algae will disappear from the mirror pond. "But before entschlammt must be the pond in collaboration with the Association Palmersdorfer Bach," said Skibbe.
Nevertheless: A construction site will disappear in the next few weeks: The iron gate to the station have been completely sandblasted and in these days reinstated. And so the castle shines, at least from this side again in its old glory.
Whether the favorite of children and pensioners Brühler Swan "Moritz" in the spring will again have a new sweetheart ( "Susie" was a few months ago died) does not know Skibbe.
"It is now really not in our hands, but we would be happy already." As well as the return of the herons that nest on the island pond again in large numbers. "This continues an ancient tradition, the herons are part of the image of Augustus Burg and Castle Falkenlust."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lousy vacation: To defend themselves

Moldy hotel rooms, unauthorized cancellation fees, etc. How to defend themselves? Questions from readers on the EXPRESS-travel experts of the Consumers Cologne, Uwe Humbert Kukulady.
Here are the main questions and answers of the major telephone campaign.
Erich Otsche from Cologne: I won a trip in a raffle, but had three weeks in advance to cancel for health reasons. Now the company that organized the competition wants 204 € cancellation fees. Can they do that?
Uwe Humbert Kukulady: No! With a win, no one may require cancellation charges from you! You need to do anything necessary, which will try to enstrifing that!
Hans Toelstide from Cologne-Porz: Our hotel in Majorca was incredibly dirty. Only after two days we were resettled. The new hotel had only booked half-board instead of the all inclusive. What is my place?
Uwe Humbert Kukulady: Actually, a reduction in price because of the lousy quality of the hotel two days, plus damages for loss of holiday enjoyment. In addition, the price difference between half and all inclusive.
However: The right to travel requires a list of defects that you create on the spot and signed by the tour guides on the spot. If you have not, it's good-will of the organizer to repay money. In your case, however, is helpful that you have complained to the tour guide and he will get you a new accommodation - this shows that there was a shortage.
Wolfgang Baumeister from Bonn, I have completed a travel insurance and then had to also cancel the trip due to illness. Now the insurance company demanding the return of the 1200 € cancellation fees, because the disease had existed before. This is true, but I did not even ask for insurance completed it!
Uwe Humbert Kukulady: In one, you must not even ask. For it is in there in the insurance conditions that already existing diseases are not insured. Exception: If an existing condition is worsened unvorsehherbar, you need a certificate from the doctor that there is an unforeseen worsening of underlying disease. This certificate must withstand a test!
Stefan Paffrath from Cologne: I want to fly with Ryanair - with such a low cost but I have little fear: What if they say at the resort: The return flight is canceled?
Uwe Humbert Kukulady: We find it not as a consumer advice in order, if available in the Policies that the customer must ask whether and when the flight is. But for that there is a different law, so we advise you to check before departure.
If for some reason the flight, you should only give the airline time the opportunity to remedy the situation. If that does not occur after a short time, you can search for a flight, and lend the money and reclaim it. With considerable delay must pay the airline for accommodation costs including meals. However, you can not descend in a 5-star hotel!

Monday, April 5, 2010

We attack again

Cologne - It was the final endurance test on Sunday afternoon in Nuremberg. And the message with the superior herausgespielten 4:1 was addressed to the entire Hockey League: The Cologne Sharks are back.
Before the league start on Friday in Iserlohn of the complete shark swarm of players swear to the CEO: "We are attacking again!"
The performance of last season, when the first Star team missed the playoffs in the club's history and was at the end of the penultimate disgraceful, should be a one-time slip had been downward.
Rodion Pauels manager is convinced that such a thing does not happen again, "The preparation has shown that all are hot. The last test match in Nuremberg, has now given us even more confidence. No question: There you go. We are ready and want to lie, of course, equal to a good start to the season in order to establish our right to be in the top group. "
Last year, the crash began with seven defeats beginning of the season, now is the same on Friday here in Iserlohn (19.30 clock) a success.
The new captain is veteran Mirko Ludemann, he has toiled in summer like never before, and says: "I look forward to the task as captain and am ready for the season." Coach Igor Pavlov has instilled in each of his philosophy: "We want the best be, we want to win every game. We want to square one. For only with this claim any tickles the best out of himself. "
On Sunday it is) is equal to the first home game against the Kassel Huskies of the program (14.30 clock, Lanxess Arena. Until now, the Sharks have sold nearly 4500 season tickets, the hall will be full.