Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lousy vacation: To defend themselves

Moldy hotel rooms, unauthorized cancellation fees, etc. How to defend themselves? Questions from readers on the EXPRESS-travel experts of the Consumers Cologne, Uwe Humbert Kukulady.
Here are the main questions and answers of the major telephone campaign.
Erich Otsche from Cologne: I won a trip in a raffle, but had three weeks in advance to cancel for health reasons. Now the company that organized the competition wants 204 € cancellation fees. Can they do that?
Uwe Humbert Kukulady: No! With a win, no one may require cancellation charges from you! You need to do anything necessary, which will try to enstrifing that!
Hans Toelstide from Cologne-Porz: Our hotel in Majorca was incredibly dirty. Only after two days we were resettled. The new hotel had only booked half-board instead of the all inclusive. What is my place?
Uwe Humbert Kukulady: Actually, a reduction in price because of the lousy quality of the hotel two days, plus damages for loss of holiday enjoyment. In addition, the price difference between half and all inclusive.
However: The right to travel requires a list of defects that you create on the spot and signed by the tour guides on the spot. If you have not, it's good-will of the organizer to repay money. In your case, however, is helpful that you have complained to the tour guide and he will get you a new accommodation - this shows that there was a shortage.
Wolfgang Baumeister from Bonn, I have completed a travel insurance and then had to also cancel the trip due to illness. Now the insurance company demanding the return of the 1200 € cancellation fees, because the disease had existed before. This is true, but I did not even ask for insurance completed it!
Uwe Humbert Kukulady: In one, you must not even ask. For it is in there in the insurance conditions that already existing diseases are not insured. Exception: If an existing condition is worsened unvorsehherbar, you need a certificate from the doctor that there is an unforeseen worsening of underlying disease. This certificate must withstand a test!
Stefan Paffrath from Cologne: I want to fly with Ryanair - with such a low cost but I have little fear: What if they say at the resort: The return flight is canceled?
Uwe Humbert Kukulady: We find it not as a consumer advice in order, if available in the Policies that the customer must ask whether and when the flight is. But for that there is a different law, so we advise you to check before departure.
If for some reason the flight, you should only give the airline time the opportunity to remedy the situation. If that does not occur after a short time, you can search for a flight, and lend the money and reclaim it. With considerable delay must pay the airline for accommodation costs including meals. However, you can not descend in a 5-star hotel!