Monday, April 5, 2010

We attack again

Cologne - It was the final endurance test on Sunday afternoon in Nuremberg. And the message with the superior herausgespielten 4:1 was addressed to the entire Hockey League: The Cologne Sharks are back.
Before the league start on Friday in Iserlohn of the complete shark swarm of players swear to the CEO: "We are attacking again!"
The performance of last season, when the first Star team missed the playoffs in the club's history and was at the end of the penultimate disgraceful, should be a one-time slip had been downward.
Rodion Pauels manager is convinced that such a thing does not happen again, "The preparation has shown that all are hot. The last test match in Nuremberg, has now given us even more confidence. No question: There you go. We are ready and want to lie, of course, equal to a good start to the season in order to establish our right to be in the top group. "
Last year, the crash began with seven defeats beginning of the season, now is the same on Friday here in Iserlohn (19.30 clock) a success.
The new captain is veteran Mirko Ludemann, he has toiled in summer like never before, and says: "I look forward to the task as captain and am ready for the season." Coach Igor Pavlov has instilled in each of his philosophy: "We want the best be, we want to win every game. We want to square one. For only with this claim any tickles the best out of himself. "
On Sunday it is) is equal to the first home game against the Kassel Huskies of the program (14.30 clock, Lanxess Arena. Until now, the Sharks have sold nearly 4500 season tickets, the hall will be full.