Friday, April 23, 2010

Wülfrath: A town in shock

Wülfrath --
Filiz E. (33) wanted to save her marriage. But in the end she lost her life.
Ersan (8), Erhan (11) and Erkan (14) are now orphans, because their father had killed her mother and herself.
The bloody drama in front of the nursery: Wülfrath a state of shock!
Two shots ripped on Friday evening, the silence from the "Ellenbeek. When rescue workers arrived from the nearby fire station, wincing a savior: "That's our cleaning lady!"
Her husband Sedat (42), who worked at "tedrive" as a mechanic, had been lying to her when she came straight from the cleaning and left the nursery. Previously, he was let out in a tire of her blue Fiat Punto, the air so that she could not before fleeing.
There were no words, but only two shots. Filiz E., who had separated from her husband slumped together dead, Sedat E. aimed his weapon against himself, he often had threatened: "If you do not come back, there is a bloodbath." Filiz E. to a friend "I love him, but it must be reasonable. Only then will I return to him. "A work colleague of Sedat," yesterday I talked to him yet. There was no indication of the terrible deed. "
Sunday, many candles were burning in front of the kindergarten and dead lights. Residents and relatives were conceived, the dead, lamented the fate of children who are placed with relatives. Before the dwelling of the father of Sedat E., 200 meters away from the crime scene, there were many relatives and wept ...