Thursday, April 29, 2010

UN peacekeepers are said to have abused children

Nairobi - The heaviest accusations! Members of UN peacekeeping forces and aid agencies have Mitgliedervon sexually abused by a report of britischenKinderschutzorganisation "Save the children" in the Congo, Ivory Coast and other states children.
Einigeder victims were only six years old, "said Kerr Hearth, Country Director of the organization in Ivory Coast on Tuesday dembritischen BBC radio. The charity had asked mehrerehundert children in Haiti, Ivory Coast and the Congo, countries where similar incidents had already been in the Vergangenheitaufgedeckt.
   "It is not just Lebensmittelgehandelt against sex with minors, there are rape and child pornography mitKindern which are classified as refugees, orphans or street children bereitsbesonders defenseless," said Kerr.
The report had been clumsily those who want to investigate the allegations, it said. Eshandele undHelfern Although only a minority of peacekeepers. "But they are abusing their power to exploit children, who can tell anyone about it."