Saturday, April 17, 2010

The World Heritage Site is Construction Site

Brühl - No, pretty authentic, and above all see it now really is not enough: The impressive terrace in front of Augustusburg Castle.
Beams and struts disfigure the sunrises World Heritage Site. The view from the garden around the lake levels of the castle is clearly disturbed. And that will stay a few more years.
"Not earlier than 2010," White Castle CEO Uwe Skibbe, "we will be able to start construction work." And hinziehen.Hintergrund will have at least one years: Not only the railing and stairs are ailing, but the terrace itself
 By 2009, the evaluators will find the exact damage and thereafter can only be started with the complete restoration. "A few million is going to cost now," said Skibbe.
The money comes from the Land, for the land, the owner, strictly speaking, is a successor of Prime Minister Juergen Ruettgers Elector Clemens August as the castle.
All the same, several times a year the government invited to receptions and cultural events in the jewel in the heart of the castle town.
Faster than the terrace, it will be preceded with the rehabilitation of wells and gardens.
Skibbe: "The smaller wells are completed, the main fountain at the Mirror Pond should be Santer until the spring." Then the algae will disappear from the mirror pond. "But before entschlammt must be the pond in collaboration with the Association Palmersdorfer Bach," said Skibbe.
Nevertheless: A construction site will disappear in the next few weeks: The iron gate to the station have been completely sandblasted and in these days reinstated. And so the castle shines, at least from this side again in its old glory.
Whether the favorite of children and pensioners Brühler Swan "Moritz" in the spring will again have a new sweetheart ( "Susie" was a few months ago died) does not know Skibbe.
"It is now really not in our hands, but we would be happy already." As well as the return of the herons that nest on the island pond again in large numbers. "This continues an ancient tradition, the herons are part of the image of Augustus Burg and Castle Falkenlust."